Testing Facilities (Material Testing Labs)

Tensile testing of metallic materials on Universal Testing Machines (10 Tons, 30 Ton Tons, 60 Ton and 100 Tons)
Hardness testing , Bench type and portable (Rockwell,Brinnel and Vicker)
Bend testing of metallic materials.
Charpy Impact Testing both at room temp and below zero
Charpy Impact Testing Machine 15/30 Kg-m/CM2
Compression Strength of refractory materials
i. Spectrometric
The department has unique installation of most modern spectrometer (Spectromax Germany of 26 elements) for analysis of Iron/ Steel and Copper based materials / alloys, adjacent to the melting section of HMC to provide accurate reliable and fast track analysis in a minimum time, since good process control requires prompt feed back.
ii. Wet Chemistry/analysis
All foundry inputs such as Ferro Alloys (Ferro Silico, Ferro Manganese, Ferro Chrome, Ferro Nickel & Ferro Vanadium etc), Al, Ni, Cu, Tin, Lead and their alloys are got checked before being incorporated into production function, in addition to these following testing facilities are also available.
– Physical & chemical testing of silica sand and Bentonite Clay.
– Refractory Materials of all kinds
– Sodium Silicate, Water and Oil etc
iii. Equipment and machinery
- Mill Grindinder RS 1 Retsch Germany 700-1400 RPM
- Carbolite Muffle Furnace England , max temp 1500degree centigrade
- Electrolytic Analyzer Chinese
- Electronic Balance max weighing cpacity 150gms, readability 0.001gm
- Heating Furnace max temp 1340 degree centigrade
- Muller for bentonite sample preparation Ridsdale & Co, UK
- Seive Shaker Ridsdale & Co. UK
- Speedy Moisture Tester 0-20%
- Strength Tester ,Ridsdale & Co 0-1.3 kg/cm 2
(iv) Calibration
HMC has the facility of repair and calibration of instruments like:-
– Pyrometers, pressure gauges, thermocouples, temperature indicators, meggers , avometers, voltmeters, dial indicators, vernier calipers, micrometers, sprit levels, steel taps and steel rules etc.
Metrology section has precision machines like:-
– Projector JTT-500-II , ( 200 x100 / 0.001 mm)
– Microscope Type JGX3 (200×100/0.001mm)
– Metroscope JD-5
– 3 Meter length measuring machine JD-10 (0-3 meter/0.001 mm) and others for the measurement of
- Various templates, gauges manufactured for use in production.
- Sizes of components which can not be measured by ordinary methods.
- Macro Etching Metals & Alloys
– For the examination of segregation, weld quality, pinholes etc.
- Micro Examination for
– Identification of microstructure
– Grain size determination
– Examination of Internal cracks
– Detection of Non Metallic Inclusions
– Process control
- Equipment and machinery
- Specimen Polisher/grinder ROTOPOL-25, Denmark max speed 600 rpm
- Specimen grinding machine Chinese, rpm 410/550
- Metallographic polisher Chinese rpm 1350
- Microhardness Tester Chinese HS-I , x 130-487
- Metallurgical Microscope (Brightfield/darkfield) with camera attachment Model 7530 , Meiji Japan upto x 1000
- Metallurgical Microscope Chinese XJB-I , x 1500-02 Nos
- Metallurgical Microscope Model XJG-4 , x 1600
- Harden ability End Quench Test
For determining depth of hardness of harden- able steels
Using Meta Serve End Quench Unit (Buhler UK)
- Mc-QUAID EHN Test: for determination of Austenite grain size of steel
Hydrostatic testing up to 150 bars pressure can be carried out with the existing facility
Pneumatic testing up to 7 kg/cm2 can be carried out with existing facility